Monday, January 18, 2010

Shelter Central

Even if you don't go on the roof like some do-it-yourself-ers have done, the University Library offers a lot of sheltered places on the plaza suitable for parking bikes (mostly) out of the weather. If you add the sheltered space on the roofs, you could help a really significant number of students use their bikes through the winter without excessive damage from leaving them sit out in the snow and sleet.

Wide open...

Some sheltered spaces offer room for a lot of bike racks.

Tucked away...

Some sheltered places just offer room for a rack or two...

Room for more?

Even where some bike racks already enjoy shelter, those sheltered spaces could have room for more with a little creative placement.

Just until Spring Quarter...

Some sheltered places won't get much use in Winter Quarter, but make a nice place to pause or hang out in Spring, Summer and Fall. There's no point in letting them go to waste when bikes could use the protection!

Do it yourself-ers!

Where there's no rack, a fence will do...

Gimme shelter!

Here's one where moving a few feet could make a difference!

Shelter with no bike racks, bike racks with no shelter...

Can we combine the two before Winter Quarter ends?